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The right measurements when you need them

By ordering Kvejborg ApS to carry out your measuring tasks, we guarantee you experience and expertise – and the best possible results.

We have a whole range of scanners and surveying equipment of the highest quality so that we can perform the vast majority of measuring tasks. And whether you want raw data, a post-processed file or a finished report, we will be happy to help you achieve this the task.

We fully understand that there may be very short notice when the need arises for a measurement task arises, and we therefore endeavor to be flexible and available to be ready when you want it.

Achieve greater security by having an external partner check your items/fixtures.

With Kvejborg ApS as your partner, you get access to expert experience, by which you eliminate the human factor in traditional surveying, both when measuring and when the measurements are noted down manually.

Furthermore you will be able to make surveying in areas and on parts, that is not possible doing by traditional methods.

With 3D surveying, you have the measurements digitally and can always reevaluate the data. In practice, this means that you can still measure a subject after it has left the production. There is therefore full documentation on the subject, if there is any later need for it.

Our equipment and softwares


3D scanning of larger items:

3D scanning of smaller items:

3D measurement of facilities:

FARO Focus 150


Quality Control:

Quality Control:




We have or are willing to meet the necessary demands for off-shore work, and have great experience in working in the energy industry – both on and off-shore.